Dedicated to Prof. Dr. A. Oktay Yeginsu
I would like give you some information about myself.
I graduated from the Civil Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University.
I am working as a webmaster for a Turkish company.
My responsibilities include designing and writing html code.
I write film music as a hobby.
You can submit material about my favourite movie directors and composers
for this web site. Please note that you can also have discussions about
composers, soundtracks, movies, directors etc. in the forum section.
Musicolog Team
design, code, content: mete
hosting: EBI (Turkey) www.ideefixe.com
forum code: eylem yildirim
wallpapers: sertug bezmez
Moral support & bug report: bariscebeci.com
Preisner and Karaindrou sheet music: utkan marangoz
and thanks all content masters(reviews, biographies, all kind texts, etc) and old painters...